Thursday, April 15, 2010

[change begins with moi]

"when i was young and free and my
imagination had no limits,
i dreamed of changing the world;

as i grew older and wiser
i realized the world would not change.

and i decided to shorten my sights
somewhat and change only my country.
but it, too, seemed immovable.

as i entered my twilight years,
in one last desparate attempt,
i sought to change only my family,
those closest to me,
but alas they would have none of it.

and now i like on my death bed
and realize (perhaps for the first time) that
if only i'd changed myself first,
then by example i may have influenced my family
and with their encouragement and support
i may have bettered my country,
and who knows
i may have changed the world." [Anglican Bishop]

I rediscovered that poem on our home computer over break, and it's pretty convicting eh? I mean, I constantly have these visions of changing the world, or at least some small corner of it, yet maybe that corner is simply my heart, my life, myself. Maybe change is not about bringing justice to every single thing that breaks my heart in this world but relying on the only One who can. And maybe the most important thing is letting God destory my pride, my arrogance and my selfishness first before I begin to think I have the power to inspire or even change others.

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