Tuesday, October 29, 2013

[it's good to be "normal" again]

Ahhhh I didn't forget about blogging, and I didn't give up on it. I got engaged, was part of weddings, went to weddings, planned my wedding, spent a week in St. Louis and a week in Texas at conferences, moved cities, continued ministry, got married and somewhere in-between continued to eat, sleep, run and breathe.

And you know, it's been fun. But holy smokes I am glad to settle back into a "normal person" life. A routine of some sort. A weekend free here or there. A living room that isn't full of piles and boxes. A purse that isn't full of "to-do" and "don't forget" lists. A person who's every conversation isn't about a one-day event.

I'm not complaining. Planning our wedding and the day itself were a dream come true. Almost all of the people I love most were in one place at the same time, just once. Never again will we have friends and family from 19 different states and representing 5 different countries witness our vows and share a meal and party together. Never again will I get to wear that beautiful dress and feel like a pampered beauty queen. Never again will we get to make the day truly ours with personal touches and ideas.

We did. We loved planning and scheming for the day. We loved making it our own unique, personalized day. We loved the whole weekend with everyone. We love looking back at pictures that capture the fun, emotions, love, friendship and life that day.

And yet.

For all the hype and beauty of a wedding.

For all the reasons I would definitely go back and do it all over again.

For all the love, fun, emotions and life that day.

I'm glad it's over.

Because now life sets in. Now I'm a normal person again - not defined as a bride. Now the real beauty and work of marriage begins. Now what God designed to last a lifetime replaces the one-time event, and I'm so thankful for Him in it all.

No longer are my prayer times interrupted by thoughts of things I forgot to do. No longer do I drag out of bed because I spent too much time putting together invites or scheming on Etsy the night before. No longer do I sit down to read the Bible but fail to concentrate on anything except passages about love and marriage. And I'm definitely ok with that. 

To future brides that might happen to read this - stay excited about your wedding day. Put your heart into planning and making the day truly yours. Don't get fooled into buying over-priced things or doing things just because you think you have to. Embrace that people are ridiculously excited for you, and it's an incredible time of blessing. (Also! Let them help you when they offer!) 

But fyi - real life afterwards isn't a let down. Because learning about the Lord and your new husband is thee adventure of a lifetime. And if nothing else, I've learned how much I don't know in the last couple months - about God, about marriage, about true love and forgiveness, about just doing life alongside someone. But I love the daily journey of learning and growing without being distracted by details for a one-day event. 

Dear God, thank you for all the blessings of a wedding and that time in my life. But dear God, thank you that real-life has just as much joy and blessing when we look to You as our source.