Tuesday, March 27, 2012

[counting my 1,000]

I recently finished the book "One Thousand Gifts" by Ann Voskamp. So good. I mean, it's easy to read a book, put it down, say it was "the best", and then forget what it was even about by next week. Been there. Done that.

But this one was different because it had something practical attached. As I read about Voskamp's journey with her list, I started making my own with 1,000 gifts/things I loved. Right now I'm only at 235, but it has been a fun and humbling adventure so far.

84. the character of old buildings

107. laughing about nonsense

138. the way a meal brings people together

161. that a dead, frozen, brown earth comes alive again every spring

212. witnessing people do what they love

226. bare feet on soft earth

That last one is a lot like reading this book, too. As I walked barefoot across the park Saturday, I realized my sense of awareness was heightened while I kept an eye out for sticks, dog poop and rocks. But in that awareness, I also felt more things. I slowed down. I actually noticed I have a sense of touch. And this is precisely what Voskamp writes about - embracing the all of every moment and seeing it as grace.

There are many things I want to take away, but for now, I am going to just let it soak in that God is good. God is extravagant. God is real. God is present. God is in the midst of details and darkness and light and even mundane. He is to be experienced and loved and worshipped.

God is a bad banker - exchanging bankruptcy for bottomless checking. Not only cancelling our debt but filling our savings. He is life and meaning and purpose, and I don't think words do Him justice a lot of times. But truthfully, I think that's ok. Because I'm learning that that's what God's about sometimes - leaving people speechless. Quieting our noise.

It's an adventure you know. A crazy adventure and a mystery and a story and a beautiful ride, and though I know not what's ahead, I crave to see what He unwraps.

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