Sunday, October 16, 2011

[in spite of politics, not by their aid]

Politics. Not something I write about often. Or ever. And not something I really ever care to write about. Or waste time arguing over.

But I found the following writing by Will Rogers and laughed out-loud - my sentiments exactly. Yeah I'll use my freedom and privilege to learn about the candidates in a year and vote, but beyond that, I don't know why we spend so much money and time on the fluff and circle-talking and dirt-digging business we call politics.

My faith still lies in the everyday person. Individuals determined to change their corner of the world are far more impactful than legislators will ever be. And you can argue that all you want, but I'm not looking for a debate. Just wanting to share an opinion that's not wrapped up in some party's stance or whose votes I might gain or lose with it. Just hoping to remind even myself that big shots aren't usually the ones who make the difference. Here's Will Rogers' take:

Will Rogers' Advice to the Candidates
"Go Fishing Until Election"

"There should be a moratorium called on candidate speeches. They have both called each other everything in the world they can think of. From now on they are just talking themselves out of votes. The high office of President of the United States has degenerated into two ordinarily fine men being goaded on by their political leeches into saying things that if they were in their right minds they wouldn't think of saying.

Imagine Mr. Hoover last night "any change of policies will bring disaster to every fireside in America." Of all the conceit. This country is a thousand times bigger than any two men in it, or any two parties in it. These big politicians are so serious about themselves and their parties. This country has gotten where it is in spite of politics, not by the aid of it.

That we have carried as much political bunk as we have and still survived shows we are a super nation. If by some divine act of Providence we could get rid of both these parties and hired some good man, like any other big business does, why that would be sitting pretty.

This calamity was brought on by the actions of the people of the whole world and its weight will be lifted off by the actions of the people of the whole world, and not by a Republican or a Democrat.

So you two boys just get the weight of the world off your shoulders and go fishing. Both of you claim to like to fish, now instead of calling each other names till next Tuesday, why you can do everybody a big favor by going fishing, and you will be surprised but the old U.S. will keep right on running while you boys are sitting on the bank. Then come back next Wednesday and we will let you know which one is the lesser of the two evils of you."

[Will Rogers]

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