Friday, September 30, 2011

[the Bible would make a good blockbuster]

I don't care who you are or what you believe, the Bible is a really cool story. You want action? Got it. Good guys turned bad guys and bad guys turned good guys? Done. Drama? Yup. Love stories? Mhmm. Dramatic irony - when the audience knows something the character doesn't? All over the place.

You've got heartache and heartbreak and five thousands mini plots going on that all lead up to one big plot, one big story - the restoration of the nations and world to their original purpose. This is something we should be excited about. It's God creating individual people in His image to enjoy His world and worship Him. It's men running from God to pursue their own ideas of joy and happiness. It's God continuing to draw men back to Him and their true identity. It's God knowing it would take the ulimate sacrifice to make man's relationships right with Him again and saying, "Done. It's worth it." It's rocky, and it's messy, and it's a twisted plot that can only be understood from looking back, but it's truly a beautiful story.

And truth is - it's still unfolding. Revelation gives us a glimpse of what is to come, but truthfully nobody really understands or knows fully. I just know that we pray "Thy Kingdom come" every week in church, and yet God's Kingdom is already here. Here every time people's relationship with their Creator is restored. Here every time what is good and true triumphs over evil. Every time forgiveness is chosen in place of revenge. Every time love is shown instead of judgment. Every time prayer is offered instead of worry. This is God's Kingdom here now.

And yet it is still to come. The complete, unhindered reign of the Lord is still in the distance, yet each day draws us closer to that. This is something we should be passionate about. This is something we should be sprinting toward. Not walking. Not crawling. Not sleeping and waiting for it to arrive. Somebody once told me, the gospel is moving, and the church is asleep. Can we get excited though church? Let's wake up and join God in this story of His glory and His fame and His passion for worship. This is what we were made for. This is what we are to be about.

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